Teresa Diehl

Teresa Diehl combines installation, video, sound, sculpture, and photography. Her work is a hallucinatory feast for the senses – smell, texture, sound, touch, are stretched and played before the viewer. The body is emphasized in strangely unfamiliar ways to both seduce the viewer into the closeness of the encounter yet cause discomfort for the utter unknown of the body. Diehl’s sculptural installations continue the sensual challenge of her work where the material confronts the form.

Among the most significant aspects of Teresa Diehl’s installations is that it encompasses a strong political critique together with a poetical quality. The combination of precise sophisticated editing of the film and its projection on fish string screens results in multiple layers of superimposed imagery as well as in layered tracks of sound. These installations address today’s emotions which are becoming increasingly filtered and anesthetized, becoming removed from the terror of its reality.  Made from glycerine soap, Diehl’s sculptural installations continue the sensual challenge of her work. Once solid and transparent, light-filled or opaque, the material challenges the form, be it military helicopters or missiles, through being both part of the substance of weaponry and also a cleansing agent. The fragile objects hand sculpted by Diehl from soap leave a residue when touched as though to suggest one can never leave unscathed the tumult unleashed on our world.

Teresa Diehl’s work has been exhibited internationally in Museum Montanelli – Prague, Czech Republic; Glass Curtain Gallery – Columbia College Chicago, Illinois; Estacionarte – Mexico D.F, Mexico; National Gallery of the Cayman Island – Cayman Island; Art and Culture Center of Hollywood – Hollywood, California; Slocumb Galleries – East Tennesee State University; The Ringling Museum of Art – Sarasota, Florida; Museo de Artes Visuales – Caracas, Venezuela.

18.10.2023 – 18.02.2024
Dangerous Love
Museum Montanelli
Nerudova 13
CZE – 118 00 Prag 1

15.07.2018 – 19.08.2018
Positionen zur Medienkunst
Mecklenburgisches Künstlerhaus
Schloss Plüschow
23936 Plüschow, Am Park 6

23.06.2018 – 29.09.2018
Vernissage: 23.06.2018, 3pm
Summer Exhibition
The View
Fruthwilerstrasse 14
8268 Salenstein