Jan Schmidt and Nadine Fecht

Heavy Strokes
21.04.2016 – 04.06.2016

Jan Schmidt and Nadine Fecht

Heavy Strokes
21.04.2016 – 04.06.2016

Heavy Strokes with works by Jan Schmidt (*1973, Wiesbaden) and Nadine Fecht (*1976, Mannheim) has been composed by Ludwig Seyfarth and Anita Beckers.

Schmidt works in continuing series in which he explores the very essence of the material; be it drawing, painting, sculpture or video. The, at first sight, clear and reduced appearance is deceiving. In reality, the works are an almost obsessive investigation into function, form and the course of time.

In juxtaposition are the pieces from Nadine Fecht. Her work places drawing in the focal point. Using almost two-thousand pens, which leave behind fine lines and structures on the paper, she creates large-format, powerful compositions. At the same time, Fecht experiments with the tension between fragile drawing and physical engery that is present from the beginning of the process and comprehensible for the viewer – also a characterisation the electric drill drawings from Jan Schmidt.


Pressetext Schmidt/Fecht (DE)

Press Release Schmidt/Fecht (EN)